Common Questions:
Question: What can I do if I'm 18 now and took the Teen Driver's Ed. Program, but I didn't finish all of it?
Answer: You are eligible to take the Adult 1-day, 6-hour Class. Or contact your Driver's Ed. Program; you may still have the option to complete their program.
Question: What if I'm 18 [or older] now and completed the Teen Driver's Ed. Program... which do I watch, the Teen Impact video or the Young Adult video?
Answer: You must watch the 2-hour Teen Impact video because you completed the Teen driver education program.
Question: Do I need to bring my VOE and my 30-hour Log when I take the driving test?
Answer: You DO NOT need to bring them to the test; you'll only need them when you go to DPS to get your Full Driver's License [after you pass the driving test].
Question: If I'm 18 [or older], do I need to have a Driver's Permit to take the driving test at a Third Party driving test site?
Answer: Yes. No matter what your age is, you must have a Driver's Permit License to operate a vehicle on the roadway.